Previous Episode: Made for Increase
Next Episode: For Generations to Come

God the omnipotent Creator of all that exists, made this world perfectly, gloriously, declaring over and over – it is good, it is good, it is good and then, in a breath-taking act of trust and partnership that must have stunned the onlooking angels, God told the man and the woman, to take dominion over the created order – in effect, God said, “the world is yours! It is your garden, your territory, your world to tame, to subdue, to master.”   It is not only a mesmerizing thought, this delegated authority and ownership God has bestowed upon us, but it also has sin-killing, joy-inducing, life-motivating power to it.   When you really understand your inheritance and feel deep ownership of your majestic blessedness, insecurity, and pettiness melt away, hope abounds, and you find powerful energy for the mission ahead.

God the omnipotent Creator of all that exists, made this world perfectly, gloriously, declaring over and over – it is good, it is good, it is good and then, in a breath-taking act of trust and partnership that must have stunned the onlooking angels, God told the man and the woman, to take dominion over the created order – in effect, God said, “the world is yours! It is your garden, your territory, your world to tame, to subdue, to master.”   It is not only a mesmerizing thought, this delegated authority and ownership God has bestowed upon us, but it also has sin-killing, joy-inducing, life-motivating power to it.   When you really understand your inheritance and feel deep ownership of your majestic blessedness, insecurity, and pettiness melt away, hope abounds, and you find powerful energy for the mission ahead.