Casey Ryan is the creator and host of the Cutting Room Floor talk-radio podcast. For the past 3 years, the show has sought to highlight the works of independent entertainers of all types including filmmakers, actors, authors, and musicians. The half hour segments air live on Sundays at 12 PM EST with recorded copies posted shortly afterward. A self proclaimed pop-culture addict, Casey is always trying to read up on the latest entertainment news stories. His film education consists of a lifetime of watching and studying movies. He is also an avid reader and enjoys learning more about the lives of his favorite actors, actresses, and filmmakers by reading their memoirs or critical essays about their work. Such favorites include (but, are not limited to): Michael Caine, Rachel McAdams, and Norman Jewison. He holds a BA in Industrial Relations and Economics as well as a diploma in Sciences. For the past 10 years he has enjoyed a prolific career in corporate sales – often using his skills to help his guests market their work on air. Proud of his Irish heritage, Casey sits on the Board of Directors of the Montreal Chapter of the Ireland-Canada Chamber of Commerce – a volunteer group seeking to create greater business ties between the 2 countries. He is also a member of the Montreal Press Club. Casey was born and raised in Montreal, Canada where he currently lives with his wife of 7 years. 
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