Tom Malloy, critically acclaimed actor, wowed Hollywood with his turn in the indie-cult favorite Gravesend in 1998, produced by Oliver Stone. Disenchanted with the process of waiting around until someone hires you for a role, Tom became a successful triple-hyphenate Actor/Writer/Producers and made it his business to learn as much about the filmmaking industry as possible. Though he no longer produces in order to focus on his acting career, over the years, Tom has raised more than $25 million in private equity from independent financiers and has written, produced and starred or co-starred in nearly all the films that his company Trick Candle Productions has made (save two documentaries). Some of these films include Ashley, directed by Dean Ronalds  in 2013, Love N’ Dancing  directed by Rob Iscove (She’s All That), and stars Amy Smart, Malloy, Billy Zane, Rachel Dratch, and Betty White; The Alphabet Killer, directed by Rob Schmidt (Wrong Turn, Crime & Punishment in Suburbia) stars Eliza Dushku, Cary Elwes, Malloy, Timothy Hutton, Michael Ironside, and Oscar Winner Melissa Leo; and The Attic directed by Mary Lambert starring John Savage, Malloy, and Elisabeth Moss. Tom has  appeared in principle roles on Law & Order, Third Watch, Kidnapped, The Siege and Anger Management. Tom is an accomplished author whose book Bankroll: A New Approach to Financing Feature Films is considered the “gold standard” of indie film financing instruction. A second edition came out in 2012. Tom has also competed and taught classes in the smooth, hip-hop dance style known as West Coast Swing. Tom is a nationally known motivational speaker for adults and kids. Stay tuned to Rex Sikes Movie Beat for other great archived interviews, cast and crew listings, events, festivals, premieres, and more at


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