Art HIndle, Actor, Director, Host, Narrator has been involved in iconic productions in the U S and Canada. He is best remembered as the star of the Award-winning TV series E.N.G. but he has made his mark in movies with the blockbuster hit Porky’s, 3 classic movies David Cronenberg’s The Brood, Black Christmas, Invasion of the Body Snatchers and in Canada’s first million dollar movie Faceoff. He grew up in Toronto’s and didn’t catch the acting bug until he was in his 20’s whene left a successful stockbroking career to try acting. By 1971 talent and good looks landed him a lead in Faceoff. This hockey romance made Art a star and American offers poured in. Two more movies followed, one, Black Christmas became a Classic. By this time Art, a father of 4, moved to L. A, The move paid off and for the next 30 years he worked on dozens of movies, series and mini-series including Dallas and Beverly Hills 90210. He returned to Canada in the 90’s to be the lead in E.N.G for 5 years, winning Best Actor. He started directing at this time too. A few years later he followed that up with the award-winning series Paradise Falls, both starring and directing. In 2004, Art married his home-town sweetheart and moved back to Canada. They settled in horse country outside Toronto and Art picks and choses where and when he wants to work, happy to hang out in the country, attend to the grandchildren or play golf. One thing that has kept his interest in is his advocacy for the arts. He is Vice President of ACTRA Toronto and spends as much time as his family will allow lobbying Provincial and Federal Governments for precious tax credits for the Film and TV Industry. Stay tuned to Rex Sikes Movie Beat for other great archived interviews, cast and crew listings, events, festivals, premieres, and more at


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