Jessi Jordan, performance coach & producer is a CEO,  Entrepreneur, a Billboard Credited Music Producer, and an Intuitive Performance Coach who works with  actors and artists in clearing the blocks that have prevented their career success. She is the founder of Jessi Jordan Coaching and co-founder of AJA Creative Energy Consultants. She has worked closely with Amy Jo Berman (Casting Director and former Vice President of Casting at HBO) to create “Pilot Season Domination” and“Audition Domination”. Jessi is  highly regarded as a catalyst for fast transformation of actors, artists, writers, directors and producers looking to take their artistic careers to the next level. She spoke at a special private event at the Academy of Television Arts and Sciences last May, which drew a standing room only crowd. Jordan is a sought after coach and her clients have gone on to appear and star in such  shows as "Dexter", "Shameless", "True Blood", "Touch", "Supernatural", "Gilmore Girls" and more. She has produced records Beyonce and Pink. As a CEO she has been featured in The New York Times, ABC TV Cooking with Paula Dean magazine and Chef Aaron McCargo Jraja Big Daddy from The Food Network, for creating The Coffee Toffee Company and its delectable coffee toffees and treats. "Everyone is looking for THE Success formula for their careers." says Jessi "Its one part "know how", one part execution and one part the magic of being YOU without a doubt and limits. Most people only use one or two parts. Stay tuned to Rex Sikes' Movie Beat for other great archived interviews, cast and crew listings, events, festivals, premieres, and more at