Part 2 of the season finale! A deepening mystery, a lie revealed, and Rex makes a promise. 

Rex Rivetter and The Case of the Missing Ending - Part 2 stars Randy Coull as Rex Rivetter and Rhiannon McAfee as Jenny McIntosh. This week's guest stars are Raylene Wall as Max Spazzamonte and Anthony Hamm as Levi. Featuring Frank Remiatte as Abe Breslow, Carolyn Wheat as Doris, and Sandy Hotchkiss as Betty Mae.

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Rex Rivetter has 17 nominations for the 2016 Audio Verse Awards. Voting is open until November 6th! Vote at

Rex Rivetter: Private Eye is written by Greg McAfee and directed by Rhiannon McAfee with sound, vocal, and technical direction by Dave Rivas. It is produced by Downstairs Entertainment in association with DaveyBoy Productions. "Nightmare," by the Artie Shaw Orchestra is used by permission of Music Sales Corp.