Technology and social media has changed almost every aspect of life in the last decade. It has changed how we communicate and collaborate. It has changed how businesses share information, connect with consumers and start conversations.


Today, we chat with . She has worked and led in public relations for 25+ years. She has been at the forefront of digital technology and communication and she has truly changed the way people think about public relations.


Early in her career, Deirdre was working for an agency and was pitching to a big client. After the presentation, they asked, “Where is all the new stuff?” Deirdre realized there was so much more she could be doing within public relations. That experience launched her into what would become a lifetime of challenging the status quo.


The role of social media and technology has rocked the public relations world. Social media is a way to connect with consumers in a totally new way. People can more easily collaborate, influence is more personal and professionals are building deeper relationships and maintaining a positive online image.


Social media also allows the consumer to have a more active role in their experience with a company. This allows businesses to better understand their customers and helps them deliver a customized experience.


Deirdre has recently release a new book called Answers for Modern Communicators: A Guide to Effective Business Communication. This book is so applicable to modern, working people. It is a great resource for people looking to expand their understanding of business communication.


Key Takeaways:

[:06] Deirdre Breakenridge has been at the forefront of digital technology in her industry.

[:22] Deirdre is the CEO of Pure Performance Communication.

[2:10] Deirdre gets a “kick in the butt” to get moving with new media and technology.

[4:10] How do you know when it is time to rethink the way things are being done?

[6:00] Build a tribe with experience in the world you are moving toward.

[8:43] The value of having role models with common experiences.

[9:45] Where Deirdre’s entrepreneurial spirit comes from, and how that inspires her to break the rules.

[12:45] Deirdre experienced a pivotal moment that prompted a change. Heather shares a similar experience.

[16:45] Discussion on developing good instincts.

[18:17] Insight, recognizing patterns, and connecting dots can help identify a growth path and find answers.

[20:06] Intuition comes based on past experience.

[20:45] Deirdre’s advice for students: open your life up to opportunity, engage with and explore your passion.

[23:25] Answers for Modern Communicators is available this month, October 2017. It is written to share experiences. It is for student, entrepreneurs, and can truly reach anyone who communicates.

[25:50] Thank you for listening. Follow us on Twitter @prtini, and use the hashtag #rewritetherules. Please like, share, and review if you like what you heard today.



Mentioned in this Episode:





“It was then and there that the rules were being rewritten.”


“Get out of your comfort zone; let that feeling happen. And trust your gut.”


“Why am I doing this for someone, when I could be doing it for myself?”


“If I fail or if I succeed, then, at least I can say, ‘I did it.’”


“When you are looking for answers, you gotta go beyond yourself.”


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