Found footage films in horror go back many years with the controversial movie “Cannibal Holocaust” credited as one of the first to come to prominence. 

It wasn’t until 1999 when “The Blair Witch Project” landed in theaters that found footage horror films truly exploded in popularity with audiences even going as far as questioning if what they were watching might actually be real and not a work of fiction. 

It was from that movie that up and coming filmmaker Robbie Banfitch was inspired to make his own found footage film. His concept actually started with the title — a word that he made up yet sounded like a great name for movie. From there, Banfitch started contextualizing an idea for a film that would take him to the deepest reaches of the Mojave desert where he would be joined by three of his real life friends for a journey into madness. 

Banfitch didn’t write a script for the movie but instead went scene by scene as he directed his rag-tag group of actors by pushing them into his ultimate vision for a terrifying road trip that spiraled into a fever dream filled with sand, sun and blood. 

In the latest episode of Rewind of the Living Dead, we’re going to grab our memory cards and sunscreen as we review the 2023 found footage horror film “The Outwaters”… 

Music courtesy of Andrew Scott Bell 

Music courtesy of Andrew Scott Bell and Karl Casey @ White Bat Audio


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