The Stanley Johnson Conspiracy Theory Jessica Simor QC posted a tweet which made me both curious and uncomfortable as I felt I was in danger of falling down a conspiracy theory rabbit hole… what do YOU think? Rarely am I flabbergasted nowadays but this…this…has to be listened to to be believed. If this is the...

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The Stanley Johnson Conspiracy Theory

Jessica Simor QC posted a tweet which made me both curious and uncomfortable as I felt I was in danger of falling down a conspiracy theory rabbit hole… what do YOU think?

Rarely am I flabbergasted nowadays but this...this...has to be listened to to be believed. If this is the stuff @BorisJohnson was fed around the dinner table, it is no surprise that he is who he is. Incoherent, absurd, ignorant, insulting and scary from Stanley all in 2 minutes.

— Jessica Simor QC (@JMPSimor) January 22, 2021

And a link to a related article on Conservative Home:

Stanley Johnson: Why Britain needs a population policyOh, and we know Boris thinks along similar lines:

Boris on population control

    The Piers Morgan and Therese Coffey spat

A little bit of he said, she said but since when did it become acceptable, if not expected, for Cabinet Ministers to cut short interviews? They should be accountable to the people. Also, note the “blame the people” narrative..

Here’s the moment @theresecoffey disconnected her camera from the interview after calling @piersmorgan 'insulting'.

Watch the full interview here

— Good Morning Britain (@GMB) January 25, 2021

That’s a first. Our interview with Work and Pensions Secretary Thérèse Coffey was over running . So she politely explained she had other interviews to do, and cut off the call.

— Anne Alexander (@Annemariealex) January 25, 2021

Do check out this site, is my MP a prick. It’s a hoot!

And finally,

The SNP versus the combined dark forces of the Scot Tories & Labour.

Another battle in the increasingly bloody war for Scottish Independence. 

Again just for completeness I want on to say that it was the UK Government that refused to pause on #Brexit whereas @ScotGov suspended all work on independence last March and now will only publish a draft bill by May because majority of civil servants still working on pandemic.

— Michael Russell (@Feorlean) January 25, 2021

The post The Purge, spat my Coffey and SNP vs Dark Forces appeared first on Rewind For More Info.

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