Daniel Vitalis joins the show for a fascinating conversation about connecting to the natural world through food and how to positively impact our environment, communities, and family by learning practical lessons and outdoor skills to improve our lives in an overly digital and virtual world. The topics covered are broad, ranging from the local food model to Otzi the Iceman.

Daniel is a successful entrepreneur, public speaker, podcaster, writer, lifestyle pioneer, hunting guide, and ancestral living advocate. For ten years he lectured around North America and abroad, offering workshops that helped others lead healthier, more nature-integrated lives. After learning to hunt, fish, and forage as an adult, Daniel created WildFed to inspire others to start a wild-food journey of their own.


"It's just important to do something in nature that isn't mediated through a phone or a computer or some kind of augmented reality device." 

Topics Discussed:

Growing up in natureThe local model of foodBeing connected to the landscape Keeping resources in your communityA global economyAncestral living & TranshumanismLiving in a virtual worldThe meaning of Rewilding Developing skillsOrwellian societyOtzi the IcemanA  natural lifestyle & how it's good for the environment Near death experiences in the wildBeing humbled by natureEssential gear

Resources Mentioned:  

Website: Daniel Vitalis Website: WildFedPodcast: WildFedPodcast: ReWild YourselfInstagram: Daniel VitalisInstagram: WildFedFacebook: Daniel Vitalis Facebook: WildFedSurThrival Steven RinellaWeatherWoolBoreal Mountain AnoraksKing of the MountainPendletonGoRuckOriginBook: DuneBook: Nutrition & Physical DegenerationBook: Fahrenheit 451