On the heels of my most recent episode with Dr. Yoni Freedhoff, I connected with Dr. Jose Greenspon, a Missouri-based pediatric surgeon who also follows Dr. Yoni's work. He has been collaborating on a program to help combat obesity in teens by creating a platform that encourages healthier eating, more activity and a positive support environment for adolescents (and their family members) to benefit from. Tune in to this week's bonus episode to hear about the great work that Dr. Greenspon and his team have been doing. To learn more about this program, please visit www.teen-lift.com To learn more about your host, check out www.jasonleenaarts.com and www.revfittherapy.com You can also like our Facebook page at www.facebook.com/revolutionaryou Download, subscribe, share with your friends and please take a moment to leave us an iTunes review.