What is philosophy? How do we define bourgeois philosophy? What is first-world chauvinism? How is 'mansplaining' related to neocolonialism? How is diversity used as a tool of neocolonialism? Why is it important to claim a philosophy?

We discuss these questions and more with Mateo Andante, philosopher of mathematics and logic, and the brainchild of the Bourgeois Philosophy blog: bourgeoisphilosophy.wordpress.com

Follow him on Twitter: @bourgeoisophy

Time Stamps:
9:45 – Can you describe your blog?
11:20 – How would you define philosophy?
16:30 – How would you define bourgeois and non-bourgeois philosophy?
28:20 - How can we better understand first world chauvinism?
33:35 – What is ‘mansplaining’ and how is it related to bourgeois philosophy?
41:50 – How is ‘diversity’ used in the first world to imply ‘progress’ and how is it one of the main tools for neocolonialism?
51:40 – Why are bourgeois representations of Marx more popular in bourgeois philosophy education rather than in bourgeois economics education?
1:03:40 – Do we have a philosophy? Why is it important to claim a philosophy?
1:08:20– What can the audience take away from this discussion, as well as from your blog, specifically to apply the different class outlooks of philosophy into our daily lives and our organizing spaces? 

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