House of the Divine Prince:

Hoodoo New Orleans Voodoo Secrets and Recipes 

Pan African Spiritualist Hoodoo Obeah Bokor

My website, where I can be reached utilizing various means almost 24/hrs a day 7 days a week and 365 days a year, operating in 360 degrees of power and understanding:


Where I specialize in doing battle; difficult and blocked situations of every type and endeavor and I specialize in results!


Please also know that I have several virtual temple groups within my  House of the Divine Prince site, where I offer a variety of virtual temple groups  of various Pan African and World Spiritual, Religious and Magical Practitioners in one convenient location from a diverse collective of cultures and traditions. 

Voodoo Chief Divine Prince Ty Emmecca on YouTube:


BTR Show Monday, November 18th 2013

The bastardization of African American indigenous spiritual knowledge and systems.

BTR Show Monday, November 18th 2013

The bastardization of African American indigenous spiritual knowledge and systems. Even in the presence of decades of authors, study and research, African Americans are still assumed to have only shared and borrowed history and lineage in spirituality and religion. We not face a growing movement of Western infused anti relioucity.