Twelfth episode of Revolutionary Despatches with Katherine Wright and David Brian.

Recorded 8th November 2020. Released 11th November 2020.

In this episode, we discuss:

- [00:00:38] The results and fallout of the US General Election

- [00:53:23] What the US election means for Brexit and the UK

- [01:03:29] Extension of furlough and longer-term effects of Covid

Theme music is 'Autoantagonist' by hardcore band Regular Gonzales, licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License.


US Presidential Election results:


Composition of the 2016 US electorate (political compass):


Biden taps Wall Street adviser Gary Gensler:


Justice Democrats/Sunrise Movement analysis of swing districts:

( ballot propositions:


Florida ballot measures:


My Sixth-Form era petition against TTIP!:


Twitter Mentions