SCRIPTURE: Genesis 25-49!


Reflect on your “life with God” so far. When has it been good? When has it been… not so good? Has it gone like you expected it would?

If you wouldn’t identify as someone who “has a relationship with God,” reflect on your journey with the idea of God: who have you wanted Him to be? Who might He seem to be? What questions do you still have about Him? Do you think you will ever be open to a “relationship with God”?

Jacob is a “striver” from the start! What costs does that have in his relationships with others? What can we learn from his story?

Why is Jacob’s encounter with “the man” seem so important to his story? What changes? What can we learn from this?

Do you ever “strive” or “struggle” with God? If so, what has happened in the past? If not, what keeps you from this?

Whose “ankles” are you clinging on to in your life? Where are you in competition with people? What might happen if you let that sense of competition go?

Do you really think God would still love you if you showed Him who you really are? Why or why not? How might all the ups and downs of Jacob’s story bring you reassurance of His love?