SCRIPTURE: Deuteronomy 10:17-19 & 15:11, James 2:14-17, 1 John 3:17

***SOME BAD NEWS…Kenny accidentally deleted the audio file of this week’s sermon! But, as always, you can still find the manuscript HERE if you would like to stay caught up!***


Based on the sermon's challenge, how can we avoid 'overharvesting' and share with those in need?

How can you incorporate acts of charity and kindness into your own Christian walk?

Do you sometimes struggle to see how God might love ‘outsiders’ as much as he loves ‘insiders’? Where do you think this difficulty comes from?

Why is it important for believers to extend their love and care towards the community at large?

How does the involvement of the entire community in acts of kindness contribute to the testimony of God's love and story?

How can practicing generosity and empathy towards those in need help strengthen our Christian community?

What ‘purpose’ have you discovered in our ‘togetherness’ through this series? What is one way you can put this discovery into practice this week?