When I wrote my new book/devotion "I Am" It was absolutely so raw and transparent! Probably one of the most transparent books I've ever written! Out of all the chapters in my new book, I think chapter 3 was one of the hardest for me to write. Not the labels, not the shedding the weight. Not all the other hardships. My past. But I need for you to understand something. My past, although ugly, made me who I am today. It forced me to grow up fast. It forced me to cling to God. It forced me to have faith in the midst of doubt, so yes, we will get into some deep things today, but know this, we are going deep for freedom’s sake. God wants you free from hurts, free from past junk, free from carrying any loads from your past that are preventing you from growing into the amazing woman He has called you to be! Because I was able to heal from those past hurts and wounds, I can write about it and share about it with you lovely women and men! Who are you when you look in the mirror? Friend, tune into today's episode!

Thank you Joe Wisener at Wise Works entertainment!