We started homeschooling again today, we open a restaurant in two weeks. Our second restaurant in 13 months. Life is a bit crazy! And when God called me to wake up early to pray and devote to Him with other women in our February Prayer and Devotion Challenge, I was reluctant. I mean, I do that most days anyway, but on mornings like today, when I’m sick, my hubby’s sick, and it’s the first day of homeschooling four kids after 6 months of private school for two of them, it can get a little crazy. So I was reluctant because of that, not because I didn’t want to meet you here virtually or on Instagram at 6am each day. I love mornings after Jesus and coffee. :) So here we are, ready to seek God for the rest of the month (Monday-Friday live on Instagram at 6am), and I have to say....I’m like a giddy little school girl who has a crush on a boy. I can’t wait to see what my Father has to say to us this month in our February Prayer and Devotion Challenge! Follow along with us on Instagram Envision 31 page or on the blog!

So in today's episode we are diving into thriving in the crazy! During the crazy, I believe God wants you to thrive in His peace, His love, His faithfulness. He wants us to trust and rely on Him during seasons of change. He wants us to fix our eyes not on the problems of our life, but fix our eyes on the creator of this WORLD, who made you, who knows you by name, who cares for you and what happens to you! God loves you and is for you even in the chaos of life! Do you believe that today? Tune in today! And don't forget to subscribe, leave a review, and share with others!

Thank you so much Joe Wisener at Wise Works Entertainment