Previous Episode: 321: Ari Melenciano
Next Episode: 323: Aricka Lewis

While the internet has helped loads of people get into design, it's design educators like Jennifer White-Johnson who really help teach the next generation of our industry. As a multidisciplinary artist, designer, photographer, activist, and advocate, Jennifer brings all this to her work as an assistant professor of visual communications and digital media arts at Bowie State University.

Our conversation began with talking about HBCUs and the responsibility they bear, and we discussed Jennifer's background in art and photography and how a small stint at MICA prepared her for her current teaching career. We also talked about KnoxRoks, an advocacy photo zine dedicated to her son which helps give visibility to children of color in the autism community. As we move into 2020, I'm glad for this conversation and I hope it helps you think about how you can use your design talent in the world!

Jennifer White-Johnson's Website
Jennifer White-Johnson on Instagram
Jennifer White-Johnson on Twitter


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Revision Path is a Glitch Media Network podcast, and is produced by Maurice Cherry and edited by Brittani Brown.

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