In Episode 9 #WeekinReverse we are discussing the importance of taking a day off. This week has been INSANE. Our friend David Dobson (interview soon to be released on the RP) has been in town with us, and introducing us to all of his old industry friends. We've captured a ton of fantastic interviews that we can't wait to share, but it's time... for a DAY OFF.

Taking a day off can be the hardest thing to do for some people. For others, taking a "day on" would probably be a better idea. But if we're looking at our week in Reverse, we have realized how important it is to rest. In order to stay inspired and stay creative, we have to give our brains a break and just chill. 

Some might say, "I don't have the time to take a day off", but we're not saying that. You must MAKE the time to take a day off. It doesn't happen by itself. It's a choice. If you're hitting a wall, losing your creativity, or feeling tired, take a day off! It will not only help you creatively, but I'm sure the people that are closest to you will really appreciate it as well.

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