In Episode 84, Brenton and Bryant sit down with Chad Carouthers. For starters, every single musician that ever wants to have a career in the music industry needs to listen to this episode and take some serious notes. Not only is he a beast of a bass player, Chad Carouthers shares the most amazing insight on what it means to be successful as a full-time touring musician and what it takes to stay in the game.

They chat about everything from tour life, what it takes to stay on the road, how to get the gig, and what it takes to be a successful musician. Chad was born with music in his veins. He has been touring ever since he can remember as a part of a family band growing up, and now, has continued to build relationships and make a living as a husband and father of 4. 

The insight given in this episode applies to every musician. How to build and keep the right relationships is a common theme that is the foundation for any success you could have in the music business. Chad has a taken a role of mentor and paved the way for so many to be successful that his love for the success of others and celebrating their victories is contagious. 

To keep up with Chad, follow him on Instagram @ChadCarouthers