Why do we create? - The WHY behind the WHAT


As creative people, we're always looking for inspiration. We need to constantly stay inspired in order to create things that inspire others. Last week, we discussed what creativity is, but once that is established we find out quickly that there has to be something else in the equation. The best creative ideas come from a deeper place than just off the top of your head. 

The best creative ideas come from people that create with purpose. The "why" is even more important than what is being created. This looks different for everyone, but if we look deep inside of ourselves we can find that thing that drives us and keeps us creating.

The "WHY" behind the "WHAT".

What is your "Why" and how does it affect the way you create? There are people from all different walks of life that create from all different versions of "why"? What's most important is finding what that is for you and chasing it with everything you have. The world would be a boring place if everyone's "Why" was the same. Find you passion, find your calling, find your purpose, and get out there and create something that will change the world.