What does it mean to be a creative person?
Isn’t that just one of those “different” people that keep to themselves?

Dictionary.com defines creativity this way:
“the ability to transcend traditional ideas, rules, patterns, relationships, or the like, and to create meaningful new ideas, forms, methods, interpretations, etc.; originality, progressiveness, or imagination.”

Such is creativity. It’s more than an idea or a “different” personality. It goes beyond what you do and what you find yourself working on at any given moment. It’s who you are. It’s a lifestyle that isn’t defined by anything or anyone but YOU. The ability to “create meaningful new ideas” is not something that can be purchased or taken from a box. It comes from within. It comes from the deepest part of you that longs for something new. Something fresh. Creativity can be the most exhilarating, satisfying, and fulfilling place to live, but it can also be the most difficult, isolated, and quiet place you’ve ever known.

You’re not alone. We, just like you, have been through the highs and lows of the creative life. Like us, I’m sure you’ve endured many sleepless nights wrestling with unsettled thoughts, and you’ve also experienced many successes by tapping into your creative genius. Enter the idea of “Reverse”

“Thinking Backward Moves us Forward“

When we look at our lives in “reverse” we see every failure and success in high definition. We wish that we could roll time back and apply what we know now. If you could “reverse” and go back to a single moment that shaped your creativity, what would it be? Was there someone that came alongside you, a concert or conference you attended, a harsh/kind word from a friend or family member, or a moment when you found your true identity? By reversing back to these moments, and learning from others that have gone before us, we can begin to pick up and start moving forward again.

We want to start the conversation. We believe in this crazy idea; all creative people have something in common. Heart. When you peel back the layers of the years, struggles, successes, and failures you get to the heart and soul of a person. Out of that heart comes the ability to create, and to create for the common good in the world. We are a community of that same heart, and by journeying together and learning from each other, we can all achieve success.

Every single week we are determined to bring you inspiration that will help you become 100% YOU. The Reverse Podcast will launch a new interview with a creative mind every single week. Stay tuned for more content on the blog as well as our #weekinreverse episodes from Brenton and Bryant every Friday. Now, close this browser, get in the zone, and start creating. The future of the world depends on it.