ISLAMIC ACTIVISTS pressured the U.S. Army War College into canceling a presentation by scholar Raymond Ibrahim last year. Raymond discusses the reception he received this year and the Western world’s shocking ignorance of its long history with Islam. Then messianic Rabbi Zev Porat explains how COVID-19 is opening doors to the gospel in Israel.


ISLAMIC ACTIVISTS pressured the U.S. Army War College into canceling a presentation by scholar Raymond Ibrahim last year, apparently convincing the administration that talking about documented history is somehow Islamophobic.

This year, the War College followed through on its invitation over the objections of CAIR and others. Raymond discusses the reception he received, the Western world’s shocking ignorance of its long history with Islam, and why some imams claim that Islamic rituals are protecting them from COVID-19.

Rabbi Zev Porat

Then Messianic Rabbi Zev Porat tells us how COVID-19 is opening doors to preach the gospel in Israel.

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