IT SOUNDS like something from a Hollywood film, but it’s real—and if our guest tonight has truly deciphered it, this artifact could be world-changing. Jim Barfield, director of the Copper Scroll Project explains why the Copper Scroll is so important and what kind of secrets it may reveal.


IT SOUNDS like something from a Hollywood film, but it’s real—and if our guest tonight has truly deciphered it, this artifact could be world-changing.

Jim Barfield, director of the Copper Scroll Project, one of the featured speakers at April’s Scottish Bible Prophecy Conference, explains why the Copper Scroll is so important and what kind of secrets it may reveal.

Click here to watch SkyWatchTV’s interviews with Jim Barfield.

Also: Update on COVID-19. It may be a bioweapon, but the evidence for that claim just isn’t there—and it doesn’t really matter if it is.

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