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  Canary Cry News Talk 369 - 07.30.2021 - I SPY SCI OP:  33 Update, Delta Danger, Synthetic Deep Dub, Days of Noah - CCNT 369 Our LINK TREE: CanaryCry.Party SUBSCRIBE TO US ON: PAYPAL: MEET UPS:   INTRO 1:00 Basil stuck in a time loop Jerome Powell tries to explain transitory inflation (Clip) Infrastructure bill going after crypto (Market Insider) Saturn visible in the night sky (DailyMail)   FLIPPY 22:33 Bill Gates backed Robotic surgery arm inspired by Fantastic Voyage (Forbes)   33 35:01 33 Mobility gets FCC approval (Union County Digital) Gun makers offer Sandy Hook families $33 million (NPR)   WACCINE 39:35 The Fauci Flippening (Clip) CDC, delta now as contagious as chicken pox (NY Times) Medscape, jabbed doctors comment on their side effects (En-Pnuemati) Can Behavioral Science reduce jab hezzy in Health Care Workers? (Rev Cycle Intel) Israel rolling out jab booster (Biz Insider) Claims that CDC dropped PCR tests refuted? (AP)   BREAK (producer party) 1:43:54   GREAT RESET 2:29:51 ESG Big 3 to control the future of the economy (RiaBiz) Lawyers put to the test for ESG (Reuters)   AI/DEEPFAKE 2:43:02 Synthetic Deep Dubbing (Respeecher)   DAYS OF NOAH 2:49:33 After several episodes of Sexy Beasts, one man is attracted to animals (Irish Times)   ADDITIONAL STORIES Churches that are promoting masks (Images) No, Biden cannot enforce mandatory jabs (Reason) ESG coming for Bitcoin

  Canary Cry News Talk 369 - 07.30.2021 - I SPY SCI OP:  33 Update, Delta Danger, Synthetic Deep Dub, Days of Noah - CCNT 369 Our LINK TREE: CanaryCry.Party SUBSCRIBE TO US ON: PAYPAL: MEET UPS:   INTRO 1:00 Basil stuck in a time loop Jerome Powell tries to explain transitory inflation (Clip) Infrastructure bill going after crypto (Market Insider) Saturn visible in the night sky (DailyMail)   FLIPPY 22:33 Bill Gates backed Robotic surgery arm inspired by Fantastic Voyage (Forbes)   33 35:01 33 Mobility gets FCC approval (Union County Digital) Gun makers offer Sandy Hook families $33 million (NPR)   WACCINE 39:35 The Fauci Flippening (Clip) CDC, delta now as contagious as chicken pox (NY Times) Medscape, jabbed doctors comment on their side effects (En-Pnuemati) Can Behavioral Science reduce jab hezzy in Health Care Workers? (Rev Cycle Intel) Israel rolling out jab booster (Biz Insider) Claims that CDC dropped PCR tests refuted? (AP)   BREAK (producer party) 1:43:54   GREAT RESET 2:29:51 ESG Big 3 to control the future of the economy (RiaBiz) Lawyers put to the test for ESG (Reuters)   AI/DEEPFAKE 2:43:02 Synthetic Deep Dubbing (Respeecher)   DAYS OF NOAH 2:49:33 After several episodes of Sexy Beasts, one man is attracted to animals (Irish Times)   ADDITIONAL STORIES Churches that are promoting masks (Images) No, Biden cannot enforce mandatory jabs (Reason) ESG coming for Bitcoin (National Review) Netflix’ ‘Sweet Tooth’ creating Chimera debate in culture (Inverse) Physicists at CERN discover brand new particle, tetraquark (Interesting Engineering) Capitol rioter creating video game of Trump shooting “Dem Zombies” (Buzzfeed) Conspiracy Theories take flight at Denver Airport (Snopes) 8 Must have implants for cyborgs (IEEE) Get ready for the Cyborg Olympics (IEEE) Bionic skin is coming (IEEE) Robotic Octopus paves way for soft robots, has 8 wiggly arms (IEEE) China and Russia’s infiltration of American Jewish and Israeli Lobby’s (Modern Diplomacy)   PRODUCERS ep. 369 Diane X, Neil M, Brian D, Arnold D, Ramses B, Emily T, Sir Casey the Shield Knight, Ashley B, Malik W, Rebekah B, James H, SoaringEagle, Emily C, David W, Diane X, Ciara F, Scott K, Veronica D, Big Tank, Tristan H, Kim W, James G, Gail M, Dalton H TIMESTAMPS: Rachel C JINGLES: Veronica D ART: Dame Allie of the Skillet Nation Sir Dove, Knight of Rustbeltia Mark A

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