167 CCNT “CRIBS: Jesus Edition & Combat Cyborgs Confirmed!” - 12.04.2019 

On this 167th episode of Canary Cry News Talk, we correct ourselves about Meade and Sanger, a new meme jingle, Flippy receives “self image,” beast fashion is terrifying, the US Army confirms that there will be cyborg supersoldiers by or before 2050, the Pope returns a relic believed to be a piece of Jesus’ manger, and aliens blamed for Michael Jackson’s deviant history in a new play by Johnny Depp’s company. You won’t get news like this, with views like this, from any other radio show or podcast! That’s why you should go follow us on our new Twitch channel and stay tuned, as we will soon announce the date of our first live stream! And most importantly, join other cool peeps on Patreon to get MORE show every week!

167 CCNT “CRIBS: Jesus Edition & Combat Cyborgs Confirmed!” - 12.04.2019 

On this 167th episode of Canary Cry News Talk, we correct ourselves about Meade and Sanger, a new meme jingle, Flippy receives “self image,” beast fashion is terrifying, the US Army confirms that there will be cyborg supersoldiers by or before 2050, the Pope returns a relic believed to be a piece of Jesus’ manger, and aliens blamed for Michael Jackson’s deviant history in a new play by Johnny Depp’s company. You won’t get news like this, with views like this, from any other radio show or podcast! That’s why you should go follow us on our new Twitch channel and stay tuned, as we will soon announce the date of our first live stream! And most importantly, join other cool peeps on Patreon to get MORE show every week!