Canary Cry News Talk 358 - 07.02.2021 - CLIMATE BAIT: YouTube Terminator, Branson v Bezos, Ecocide Heat Dome, Bitcoin Debate Our LINK TREE: CanaryCry.Party SUBSCRIBE TO US ON: PAYPAL:   INTRO 1:06 -FaceLikeTheSun channel Terminated, Appeal accepted -Basils Tucker Carlson Kayfabe timeline:  June 16 - Tucker Carlson claims FBI set up Jan 6 June 23rd - Tucker Carlson Outed as Secret Source (Huff. Po) June 29 - Tucker Carlson claims NSA spying on him, NSA denies claims (CNN, NSA Tweet)   FLIPPY 22:28 -This robot arm lends a hand in building IKEA furniture (Tech Xplore)   SPACE 35:44 -Richard Branson schedules ahead of Bezos to be first Billionaire in space (CBS News) -CALLED IT June 7 CCNT 347    GREAT RESET 39:39 -WEF wants “Ecocide” to be prosecuted by ICC (WEF) -Grocery stores pulling perishables, doing everything they can to sustain heat wave (Insider) -Oregon heat wave, train cables melt roads buckle (Yahoo) -Hurricane Elsa is coming to Florida (WFTV) [Rabbit Hole]   POLYTICK 1:18:43 -Kamala staffers leaking info, abusive environment (Gateway Pundit) -NY Grand Jury probing Trump’s business dealings (Wapo)   BREAK (producer party) 1:42:00   WACCINE 1:47:28 -Arizona Retreat Bans People who had Jab (Newsweek) -Supreme Court sides with Amish, septic system violate religious beliefs (USA Today)   BITCOIN/POLYTICK 3:04:00 Congress Hearing on Crypto -US Senator Lummis on Bitcoin in El Salvador

Canary Cry News Talk 358 - 07.02.2021 - CLIMATE BAIT: YouTube Terminator, Branson v Bezos, Ecocide Heat Dome, Bitcoin Debate Our LINK TREE: CanaryCry.Party SUBSCRIBE TO US ON: PAYPAL:   INTRO 1:06 -FaceLikeTheSun channel Terminated, Appeal accepted -Basils Tucker Carlson Kayfabe timeline:  June 16 - Tucker Carlson claims FBI set up Jan 6 June 23rd - Tucker Carlson Outed as Secret Source (Huff. Po) June 29 - Tucker Carlson claims NSA spying on him, NSA denies claims (CNN, NSA Tweet)   FLIPPY 22:28 -This robot arm lends a hand in building IKEA furniture (Tech Xplore)   SPACE 35:44 -Richard Branson schedules ahead of Bezos to be first Billionaire in space (CBS News) -CALLED IT June 7 CCNT 347    GREAT RESET 39:39 -WEF wants “Ecocide” to be prosecuted by ICC (WEF) -Grocery stores pulling perishables, doing everything they can to sustain heat wave (Insider) -Oregon heat wave, train cables melt roads buckle (Yahoo) -Hurricane Elsa is coming to Florida (WFTV) [Rabbit Hole]   POLYTICK 1:18:43 -Kamala staffers leaking info, abusive environment (Gateway Pundit) -NY Grand Jury probing Trump’s business dealings (Wapo)   BREAK (producer party) 1:42:00   WACCINE 1:47:28 -Arizona Retreat Bans People who had Jab (Newsweek) -Supreme Court sides with Amish, septic system violate religious beliefs (USA Today)   BITCOIN/POLYTICK 3:04:00 Congress Hearing on Crypto -US Senator Lummis on Bitcoin in El Salvador (Clip) -House of Rep. Mr. Peter Van Valkenburgh discusses Bitcoin (Clip) -CA Rep. Bran Sherman on wanting to shut down Bitcoin (Clipx2) -US Rep. Warren Davidson on accepting Decentralized ledger tech (Clip) -George Soros is in Bitcoin (Market Insider + Clips) -ESG Investing, Bitcoin news (TheStreet)   ADDITIONAL STORIES -UN said Antarctica 18.3 degrees highest ever recorded (NDTV)  -A Robot to top up your Tesla (Hackaday) -This famous Chinese tourist spot is fake (Insider) -Kim Jung Un warns of “Great Crisis” in NK over Covid breach (WSJ) -Truck carrying illegal fireworks explodes! (Clip) -XBox Gift Card Cheat compared to Bitcoin (Bloomberg) -I-GRANDPA, world’s first elderly sexbot (Sun) -Lava fire already burned 17k acres (LA Times) -Elizabeth Warren, Casey want more data from Brittany Spears Testimony (Time) -50 pound Robot Drone Tanks to look for 147 still missing in Miami collapse (DailyMail)     PRODUCERS ep. 358 Sir Jason, Knight of the Anti-Fubar** John K Philip E 1makintx Jacqueline A Rebekah B Gregory F Ely P Christian D Sir Casey, the Shield Knight Angela B Juan E Tristan H Scott K Kim W Juan A Laura E Raoul S James H   TIMESTAMPS: Rachel C   ART: Allie Dove Mark8503 (discord)    MEET UPS Thanks CoolRunningsMon & SenJess for the Meet Up Report!   ARIZONA MEET UP (July 24) RSVP: [email protected]   OREGON MEET UP Please contact Kimberly (shieldmaidenforchrist) at [email protected] or find the Oregon Meetup post on Canary Cry Community if you are interested in the Northern Oregon/Southern Washington meetup in Estacada. I would like to plan a short hike and share a meal with my fellow Canarians on a Saturday. Estacada is a reported Bigfoot hotspot not far from the Mount Hood National Forest.)

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