170 CCNT “CHIP IN, CHIP OUT & GET CHIPPED!” - 12.24.2019 

Merry Christmas Eve of celebrating Jesus’ birth on the wrong day! We bring you episode 170! This week, make sure to become a member at CanaryCry.Community because Facebook just had a massive data breach; Flippy Update with Canadian robot arm in “space” grabbing Dragon; Utah man gets chipped; UK woman gets chipped; and Bill Gates wants people to get nanoparticle tattoos that marks your vaccination history. What could go wrong? Well, nothing if Jesus is your Lord and Savior, so go to our Patreon page to support us, and receive an extra episode every week!

170 CCNT “CHIP IN, CHIP OUT & GET CHIPPED!” - 12.24.2019 

Merry Christmas Eve of celebrating Jesus’ birth on the wrong day! We bring you episode 170! This week, make sure to become a member at CanaryCry.Community because Facebook just had a massive data breach; Flippy Update with Canadian robot arm in “space” grabbing Dragon; Utah man gets chipped; UK woman gets chipped; and Bill Gates wants people to get nanoparticle tattoos that marks your vaccination history. What could go wrong? Well, nothing if Jesus is your Lord and Savior, so go to our Patreon page to support us, and receive an extra episode every week!