Canary Cry News Talk ep. 380 - 08.25.2021 - BLOOD BOT BABYLON: FDA, Trump Bait, Evil Advertising, Cuomo Killer, AI, Clones - CCNT 380 Our LINK TREE: CanaryCry.Party SUBSCRIBE TO US ON: PAYPAL: MEET UPS:   INTRO 5:02 Tony Hawk to sell 100 skateboards painted in his literal blood…for climate change (Input Mag)   FLIPPY 11:34 Restaurant chain acquires MIT start up for salad making robots (Boston Globe)   NEWSOM SCIENCE 17:30 Xanax, Meth, Guns, Ballots…nothing to see here. (Daily Caller) Larry Elder targeted by media: Financial probe (Newsweek), High and waving gun (SF Chron)   PANDEMIC SPECIAL 27:52 Oregon outdoor mask mandates implemented (AP) 75 Doctors stage a “walk out”or did they? (Insider) FDA fully approves Pfizer jab (NY Times) [En_Pnuemati email] Source: Top 10 corporate fines ever paid [Pfizer 4th, J&J 5th] (The Richest) Dr. Robert Malone (inventor or mRNA jab) on clarifying approval, War Room with Bannon (Clip) Note: Robert Malone back story and fascinating history (The Atlantic)   Resources for exemption:  Rutherford Institute passing legal test for exemption letter (Variations 1, 2) Other mandate info from Liberty Counsel and FAQ Other questions that should be asked   WACCINE/TRUMP 1:17:42 Trump supporters on why they’re unvaccinated, hit piece (CNN,

Canary Cry News Talk ep. 380 - 08.25.2021 - BLOOD BOT BABYLON: FDA, Trump Bait, Evil Advertising, Cuomo Killer, AI, Clones - CCNT 380 Our LINK TREE: CanaryCry.Party SUBSCRIBE TO US ON: PAYPAL: MEET UPS:   INTRO 5:02 Tony Hawk to sell 100 skateboards painted in his literal blood…for climate change (Input Mag)   FLIPPY 11:34 Restaurant chain acquires MIT start up for salad making robots (Boston Globe)   NEWSOM SCIENCE 17:30 Xanax, Meth, Guns, Ballots…nothing to see here. (Daily Caller) Larry Elder targeted by media: Financial probe (Newsweek), High and waving gun (SF Chron)   PANDEMIC SPECIAL 27:52 Oregon outdoor mask mandates implemented (AP) 75 Doctors stage a “walk out”or did they? (Insider) FDA fully approves Pfizer jab (NY Times) [En_Pnuemati email] Source: Top 10 corporate fines ever paid [Pfizer 4th, J&J 5th] (The Richest) Dr. Robert Malone (inventor or mRNA jab) on clarifying approval, War Room with Bannon (Clip) Note: Robert Malone back story and fascinating history (The Atlantic)   Resources for exemption:  Rutherford Institute passing legal test for exemption letter (Variations 1, 2) Other mandate info from Liberty Counsel and FAQ Other questions that should be asked   WACCINE/TRUMP 1:17:42 Trump supporters on why they’re unvaccinated, hit piece (CNN, Clip) Trump is finally pushing jab, why it’s too late, and it’s ALL HIS FAULT! (Vanity Fair)   WANNA BE WACCINATED 1:41:27 Ultra-Vaxxed Israel Crisis is DIRE WARNING for America!! (Daily Beast)

They asked 6 advertisers on how to convince unjabbed (Business Insider)   BREAK (producer party) 2:26:00   POLYTICK/CUOMO 3:18:15 Biden pushes 6uild 6ack 6etter over Afghanistan (Fox) CIA Chief secretly met Taliban leader (NBC Clip) Source: CIA used Viagra to bride Taliban (TabletMag) Headline: Cuomo stripped of his Emmy (NBC News) Cuomo abandons dog at mansion (Vanity Fair) Cuomo commutes 4 convicted murderers’ sentences in final hour as Governor (Fox) Headline: Cathy Hochul becomes NY’s first female Governor (AP)   AI/DEMONIC POWER 3:53:06 Tiny Neural sensors the size of salt grains for brain computer interface (MedGadget) Headline: AI can erase our minds and steal our bodies (TNW) This massive AI chip has compute power of human brain (PC World) Headline: Brain implant creates feelings in fingertips (TNW) Revelation 9:20, 1 Timothy 4:2   ADDITIONAL STORIES Smallest bio-super-capacitor provides energy for biomedical applications (Phys Org) US Military must prepare now for DeepFake POW (C4ISR Net opinion) Moderna, 6 month effectiveness pre-print study in Lancet (The Lancet) Israeli Japanese partnership launch Autonomous robots (No Camels)  Many celebrities already have cloned pets (GZero Clip) Custom songs produced by robots (Electrek) Milk Crate Challenge is trending (Today) YouTuber Boy Boy snuck into secret arms-dealer conference (YouTube) Push to ban killer robots gets Pope and Vatican boost (Catholic Review) A New World of robot-human interoperability is dawning (Forbes) AI Robot arm for inspection (Automation World) Unique robot designs and why they are here to stay (Yanko Design) Samsung splurges $200 bn to prep for “New Future Order” (The Register) Throwback: Jan 2016, FBI prevented mass masonic temple shooting (Daily Beast) These robots can move your couch (Science Daily)

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