THE GREAT WAVES OF CHANGE - Chapter 1 | The Great Waves of Change: Great change is coming to the world – change unlike anything that humanity as a whole has ever seen before. Great Waves of change all converging at this time. For humanity has impacted the world in so many ways and the results of that impact are now gathering – gathering strength, gathering force, converging at a time when humanity is largely unaware and unprepared.

The post The Great Waves of Change Podcast appeared first on The New Message from God.

THE GREAT WAVES OF CHANGE – Chapter 1 | The Great Waves of Change: Great change is coming to the world – change unlike anything that humanity as a whole has ever seen before. Great Waves of change all converging at this time. For humanity has impacted the world in so many ways and the results of that impact are now gathering – gathering strength, gathering force, converging at a time when humanity is largely unaware and unprepared.

As revealed to

Marshall Vian Summers

On July 27, 2007

in Boulder, Colorado

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The post The Great Waves of Change Podcast appeared first on The New Message from God.