HARMFUL INFLUENCES - Chapter 2 | Building the Foundation for a New Life: The world is a beautiful place, particularly this world, a jewel in the universe of barren worlds. But the world is also a hazardous place, a place of many perils, a place of many difficulties. It is so unlike your Ancient Home, from which you have come and to which you will return. It is a place of Separation. It is a place of disassociation. It is a place where people are distinct from one another, and though perhaps in close proximity, they seem to be worlds apart—cast into the darkness of their own isolation, cast in a world full of fear and uncertainty.

The post Harmful Influences Podcast appeared first on The New Message from God.

HARMFUL INFLUENCES – Chapter 2 | Building the Foundation for a New Life: The world is a beautiful place, particularly this world, a jewel in the universe of barren worlds. But the world is also a hazardous place, a place of many perils, a place of many difficulties. It is so unlike your Ancient Home, from which you have come and to which you will return. It is a place of Separation. It is a place of disassociation. It is a place where people are distinct from one another, and though perhaps in close proximity, they seem to be worlds apart—cast into the darkness of their own isolation, cast in a world full of fear and uncertainty.

As revealed to

Marshall Vian Summers

On May 13, 2011

in Boulder, CO

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The post Harmful Influences Podcast appeared first on The New Message from God.