FEAR AND FEARLESSNESS | Other Revelations: You have two fundamental aspects to your nature. You have a personal mind, which is associated with your body, a mind that has been conditioned by your cultures, your society, your families and by nature itself. This mind is driven by the need for survival. It is driven by the need for security and for resources. It is fundamentally fearful because it is so very aware of the risks and the prospect of loss in the future. It is haunted by this prospect of loss, and it is governed by the need to offset these risks.

The post Fear and Fearlessness Podcast appeared first on The New Message from God.

FEAR AND FEARLESSNESS | Other Revelations: You have two fundamental aspects to your nature. You have a personal mind, which is associated with your body, a mind that has been conditioned by your cultures, your society, your families and by nature itself. This mind is driven by the need for survival. It is driven by the need for security and for resources. It is fundamentally fearful because it is so very aware of the risks and the prospect of loss in the future. It is haunted by this prospect of loss, and it is governed by the need to offset these risks.

As revealed to

Marshall Vian Summers

on January 9, 2009

in Boulder, CO

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The post Fear and Fearlessness Podcast appeared first on The New Message from God.