Guest: Steve Taubman

Unclog Your Brain! The UnHypnosis Method

Petra and Setve discuss: Removing Subconscious Mental Barriers to Success

How an ex-neurotic, ex-Long Island chiropractor underwent a personal life transformation that led to his helping others discover the keys to their success.

Dr. Steve’s early years were plagued by crippling anxiety, depression, and low self-esteem. Despite graduating valedictorian from one of the nation’s top chiropractic colleges and running a thriving practice, Dr. Steve found that his outer success did little to calm his inner turmoil.

Thus began a thirty year journey to understand the root of his suffering. His exploration of Western psychotherapy, Eastern teachings of mindfulness, hypnosis, and the science of neurology provided profound insight into the universal nature and cause of suffering; the subconscious mind… which ultimately led to the creation of his successful UnHypnosis system and bestselling book.

Dr. Steve’s excitement, motivation and enthusiasm have earned him fans from every profession as he continues to enthrall audiences worldwide, helping them remove mental barriers to achieving their dreams.

Steve's gift to listeners: First 40 pages of UnHypnosis

Your Host: Transformational Story Coach, Petra Nicoll

Petra's trials and tribulations in her own life have inspired her book, Petra’s Ashes: A Transcendental Journey (2016 release) and have made her who she is today – a compassionate, insightful and loving being who can help you rise like a phoenix and soar!

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