I am so excited to be here with you today, introducing the show that will make  your day lighter, brighter and leave you inspired! 

Please tune in to these heart led discussions with some of the most innovative, gifted and remarkable people that have overcome the most extraordinary obstacles that released and unveiled the truth of our existence.

Please join me every Tuesday at 11:00am Pacific on Blog Talk Radio.

Your Host:

Petra Nicoll

Through the extreme pain and sorrow of her exposure to the tragic death of her mother, suicide, depression, and realities of war, she begins a journey of profound insight, to become a “seeker after truth.” Being led to The Masters of the Far East, The Shaman’s of North America and Mexico, awakens her to the realization and vision that she has been given—to become transformed and more intuitive, authentic and soul-centered, which takes her on a journey that she now uses as tools to help others in her coaching.

Her trials and tribulations in her own life have inspired her book, Petra’s Ashes: A Transcendental Journey (2016 release) and have made her who she is today – a compassionate, insightful and loving being who can understand and help you rise like a phoenix and soar and help you get closer to your true potential.

“Like a Phoenix, she will rise from the ashes of despair and soar.”