This is the official trailer for Return to Wholeness!

Return to Wholeness is a podcast for the woman who has left parts of herself behind in diets, dogmatic religion and ideologies, undernourished relationships, unfulfilling careers, worn out identities and unrealistic expectations and desires to call those parts of herself back so she can live Wholly.

It’s for the woman who is exhausted by the search for the elusive “it” and is ready to fully embrace all parts of herself. Who is willing to risk being misunderstood in favor of offering her full expression to the world around her. Who is ready to become the first person narrator of her life so that she can co create a meaningful life that is aligned with their unique values.

Check back in weekly to learn from incredibly guests about topics such as:

Religious deconstruction

Purity culture healing


Body image

Divine Feminine Spirituality


Inner child healing

Mental health

And so much more!

Be sure to subscribe so you get notified of what new episodes are released and follow my on instagram @holly.toronto so we can connect!