My girl, Jules, is back again for another powerful discussion on body image.


With summer arriving here in the northern hemisphere, it's likely that you're on the receiving end of some pretty toxic messaging around getting your "beach body."


In this episode, we share a different perspective than what you might be used to when it comes to this narrative.


We discuss...


Why wearing a bikini (or any specific item of clothing) is NOT the pinnacle of body acceptance Why it's not your bathing suit's job to grant you freedom, joy and presence when you're hanging out at the beach or at the's your's The power of choice when it comes to buying into harmful narratives about your body and putting life on hold until your body changes Powerful reframes and exercises you can implement NOW to help you feel more empowered and present when you're in a bathing suit this summer Why other people's opinions about your body are about them and not about you (and how your opinions of other people's bodies are also about you, not about them)


If you get something from this episode, head over to my Instagram and share with me what your takeaway was