Let's face it, we all feel a little bit weird from time to time. Usually the parts of ourselves that we feel are weird are the parts we desperately try to hide or entirely fragment.


Yet what if within your weirdness there was untapped potential, gifts and talents?


This is exactly what today's guest, Jessica Hans-Smolin, believes. She believes that our weirdness isn't something to hide but instead is something that can be used to guide us towards the fullest expression of who we are.


Join us for this weird and wild conversation where we talk about:


Jessica's 2 experiences with fragmentation, one when she was a child and also again when she became a mother Cultivating resilience to support us in bringing our gifts into the world so that we can stay connected to the joy our gifts and talents bring us when they come under scrutiny, jealousy or projection The etymology of the word 'weird' and how we can begin to reclaim our weirdness and use it in pursuit of becoming the fullest expression of who we are Weirdness as creative, even sexual energy and expression Why it feels dangerous for us to be "weird" or our full selves How owning our "weird" allows us to free ourselves along with previous and future generations


Learn more about Jessica, download her free gift and check out the resources she's provided below:


The gift meditation https://mailchi.mp/043ee495b29a/reclaim-your-weird-rebirth-your-gift


Follow me: 

@freeyouressencejess on insta



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Other shares:

Anita Kopacz book Shallow Waters 


And folks can follow Daphne, the client who I shared about on insta @followingfootprintsinnature