Happy New Year!


We're kicking off 2022 with a powerful conversation around MONEY with Kaitlynn Newton.


She shares a powerful perspective on money as masculine energy that wants to provide for us.


Here's what we cover:


Kaitlynn's experience of having different personalities depending on the social context The feeling of self betrayal we get when we agree with something we actually disagree with The evolutionary reason women tend to be more "agreeable"  Money as masculine energy that wants to take care of us How different attachment styles manifest in our relationship to money Kaitlynn's powerful money date practice and bringing gratitude to paying our bills Rebuilding trust with the masculine as a way to heal our relationship to money How we often make our spiritual practice about making more money or performing for the universe so that we can manifest more Wealth as being more than just money and the opportunity we have to define what a wealthy life looks like for ourselves


Learn more about Kaitlynn here:



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