This conversation with Chelsea Horton is absolute magic! Chelsea is the founder and CEO of Healing Embodied and she helps people heal from relationship anxiety so that they can pursue loving, fulfilling relationships without all of the doubt and worry.


We covered so much ground in this conversation and Chelsea and I were so delighted to uncover the many parallels in our paths - including our mutual love of early 2000's hip hop and r&b.


Here's what we cover:


How Chelsea learned to fragment herself growing up in a religious, fundamentalist environment where she learned not to trust herself How learning to be in her body again allowed her to heal and come back to wholeness Her unconventional relationship advice: IT'S NOT YOUR PARTNERS JOB TO MAKE YOU FEEL ALIVE (or make you feel anything at all) That our relationships are a reflection of how we feel about ourselves The codependent messages we learn about what relationships "should" look like How relationship anxiety often manifests as doubts about our partner and how to discern when it's actually "your stuff" Triggers being an opportunity for self inquiry The power of being in relationships with people who are different than us because of what we might get to learn about ourselves How our bodies are always reflecting the state of our mind and using movement to navigate challenging emotions The 3 pillars of self trust How intuition is not infallible and how to listen to your intuition while still being open to uncertainty Learning through contrast


I loved this conversation with Chelsea so much! If you got something from this episode, please share it with a friend or on social media tagging both me (holly.toronto) and Chelsea (healing.embodied)


Learn more about Chelsea's work here: