I am thrilled to have Lindsey Lockett back on the show for her 3rd appearance! In this episode, we discuss Lindsey's new online program, Belief Beyond The Binary.


After spending much of her life moving from one binary belief system to another (evangelical Christianity to diet culture to social justice activism), Lindsey has worked to train her brain, her nervous system and her heart to be more comfortable in the grey.


As you'll learn in this episode, seeing the world from a binary set of beliefs is harmful not only to ourselves, but also to our relationships and communities.


In this episode, we discuss:


How anything can become a binary belief system and why someone might be more inclined to turn something into a bbs The self transformation that happened for her in creating Belief Beyond The Binary Separating people from ideologies and understanding that people who fall into bbs aren't nefarious, but often good people who are very scared How the 'hive mind' or group think is created The outsourcing of our goodness to external sources like activism, religion or diet culture Our propensity to always find an enemy to fight What role our sense of belonging plays in leading us to proselytize about our beliefs to others Allowing your beliefs to be something you choose vs something you're coerced into The difference between online activism and harassment The dangers of compelled speech and the expectation that everyone on the internet be a geopolitical expert Learning to coexist with people who think differently than us The importance of boundaries in moving beyond binary belief systems


Lindsey's passion for this work shines through in this episode and is one of the many reasons I trust her as a leader in this space. I have been going through Belief Beyond The Binary myself and it's been incredibly insightful and healing for me.


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