"I am strong and fierce; my own strength surprises me. " - Raven Scott

Understanding how unhealed childhood trauma wreaks havoc in adults relationships is important in the healing process. 1. Fixing others 2. people pleasing 3. codependency 4. external validation needs 5. living on high alert 6. fear of abandonment 7. de-prioritizing your own needs 8. need to prove themselves 9. tolerates abusive behavior 10. attracts narcissistic partners 11. difficulty setting boundaries

"When we fail to set boundaries and hold people accountable, we feel used and mistreated." - Brene Brown"When you are with a narcissist you will never reach your true potential as a beautiful unique human being. " - Raven Scott"“Boundaries are basically about providing structure, and structure is essential in building anything that thrives.” - Henry CloudDo any of these resonate with you? Let me know in Review box below. Rate and Review this podcast on Apple to help others find it. And share with your friends! Take a Screenshot and add to your stories! Tag me @thethrivingintuitive so we can connect! 


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We truly want every single soul to know that they are supported and empowered in their soul's journey. You are unique and are here for a particular purpose …
🌈Raven Scott Author and YouTuber/Podcaster, and Jessica Schiller Silverman have joined together to create a beautiful community for you to grow and be spiritually supported and together join and lean into our self care and self empowerment.

This collective membership on Patreon aligned so divinely in flow!
We draw tarot cards and share intuition + wisdom you need to hear in that moment.
We hold quiet space for your meditations and spiritual connections.
We upload exclusive content and you gain early access to all our amazing guests and podcast we both create! From the Raven Scott Girl Talk Show and from the ALIVE podcast.
We join together and share what's on our hearts and teach wisdom for your heart's nourishment during these trying times.
We host live Q&A on anything spiritual, tarot, human design, or moonbeam related.

Trauma 2 Triumph Virtual Summit

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YouTube: Raven Scott Girl Talk

Subscribe here! Once I reach 80 I will post a draw my life music video