"Children who grow up in character disordered households do tend to be hyper intuitive, so they don't learn to repress it, because they get their needs met by meeting the needs of their caretakers" Laura Day

Empowering Empaths and Healing After Narcissistic Abuse

In this episode, I share my journal I wrote as a mother to a daughter and her determination to not let her daughter go through Narcissistic Abuse as I did.

In addition I talk to Laura Day, a bestselling author who has spent decades helping individuals develop their intuitive abilities. Day provides insights into intuition, explaining it as non-local perception and as a skill that can be honed.

The conversation further explores the idea of empathic people, often victims of narcissists and how intuition helps them find help and community.

Later, the discussion switches to understanding the logic behind abusive relationships, encouraging victims to see the past as a journey and utilize intuition to help them create a better future.

All Links are on the Podcast Page.

Laura Day Site www.practicalintuition.com

00:03 Introduction and Personal Story

00:25 Letter to My Daughter: Lessons for Life

02:53 Welcome to the Empath and Narcissist Podcast

03:40 Interview with Laura Day: Harnessing Intuitive Abilities

05:18 Understanding Intuition and Its Role in Our Lives

09:09 The Impact of Narcissistic Abuse on Empaths

12:38 Reclaiming Your 'I': Healing from Narcissistic Abuse

20:27 The Role of Mentors in Healing and Growth

25:50 The Healing Power of Parenting and Intuition

26:42 Understanding and Overcoming Abuse

28:30 The Complexity of Narcissistic Relationships

29:55 Taking Responsibility and Learning from Past Relationships

38:57 The Power of Intuition in Navigating Life

45:09 The Role of Trust and Discipline in Strengthening Intuition

51:24 Final Thoughts and Resources for Empaths