"The power of spiritual poems, how they connect you to yourself and are a conduit for powerful healing from narcissistic abuse.

Find yourself reflecting with spiritual poems that connect you to your inner self, inspiring contemplation and creating an intimate relationship with yourself.

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This powerful, creative form of healing from narcissistic abuse, conditioning, and brainwashing is tarot card poetry. 

The narcissist brainwashes you into doubting yourself, questioning your sanity and amplifying your flaws, the best way to defeat that is through mind rewriting exercises. And this is one of them. 

Poetry can be an effective way to explore spirituality, as it is able to capture our innermost thoughts in the form of words and stories.

Today I share my amateur poem from a class in Live Vibrant Sisterhood in November to show you the beauty of this practice.

PLUS I share Christmas songs and listen more to Christmas Playlist here.

Follow on Instagram: @ravenscottshow

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Music YouTube Library: Believe by Neffex , Jingle with Me by Filickering ft. G. Curtis, Kissing Under the Mistletoe by Loving Caliber ftr. Emmi, The Merriest Christmas by Snowy Hills Singers ftr. Dayon

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