"The beauty of mythology and culture's ability to tell a story is that it paints a powerful picture of symbolism for us to understand . Cosmic concepts, humankind has been telling stories since they could build a fire sitting around it. Sharing and teaching for future generation survival. " - Raven Scott

Those of you who have gone down into the black hole of being with a narcissist and their deep negative energies will relate to her story and I myself, 100% relate to The Mesopotamian Goddess Inanna's story.

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Today I share the story of Inanna's descent into the underworld.

Follow me on Instagram: @ravenscottshow

The Narcissistic abuse survivor community will  meet once a month on zoom where we will listen to healing frequencies, practice a healing and releasing energetic somatic healing, and have space to share how the session impacted our healing. Each meeting typically lasts 2 hours and includes an introduction, sharing stories, discussion, and healing.

Are you ready to stop circling the drain in the narcissist's energy vortex and reach out for help? And start taking back your power, self identity and freedom in your life  in 2023?

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Music YouTube Library: Believe by Neffex

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Zodiac Season updates with Human Design Gate transits, Somatic healing meditations, Human Design chart fully explained, Tools to Heal from Narcissistic Abuse.

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