Do you feel like a shell of a person?

**Trigger alert: This episode contains topics about suicide. If you or anyone you know is in a crisis or having suicidal thoughts call 988 for FREE

In this powerful episode of the Empath and Narcissist Podcast, we delve into a dark topic of losing your identity in a narcissistic relationship, and how Human Design helps in regaining it. It's an intense journey, discussing the toxics of such relationships, the emotional scars they cause, and how these relationships wipe off one's self-identity.

I also share my personal experience of dealing with such a relationship and how it led me almost to the verge of losing my life. I explain how Human Design serves as an empowering tool to regain your lost self, by helping in self-discovery, embracing authenticity, healing emotional trauma, and most importantly establishing boundaries.

This episode is a significant guide for those who are victims of this kind of abuse or for individuals aiming to understand it better and help others.

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0:00 Losing your identity in a narcissistic relationship Regain it through Human Design

00:04 Introduction and Personal Story

02:27 Introduction to the Podcast Topic

04:28 Understanding Narcissistic Relationships

05:59 Impact of Narcissistic Relationships

07:27 Introduction to Human Design

08:35 Benefits of Human Design

13:05 Establishing Boundaries

14:44 Reclaiming Your Life

16:20 Conclusion and Next Steps