Today, we are Answering a question from a YouTube viewer:

Can you retrieve deleted memories due to childhood trauma? And if so, can you do it, healthily?

This is Q and a straight girl talk. But first, before I get to the question, I'm going to open with a quote.

"The past is gone. The future is not yet here. And if we do not go back to ourselves in the present moment, We cannot be in touch with life." Thich Nhat Hanh.

So a question from a viewer came in and said, how can you recover, lost memories in a healthy way. Or should you even try to recover them? I have huge pieces of my childhood. I just can't remember, or just have small snippets of memory. You really want to know [00:01:00] what happened to me during this time?

Dear desiring recovery viewer.

[1:05] As the Buddhist monks Stoics and the greatest teachers shared our happiness comes from contentment in the present. Worrying about retrieving what is lost in the past is frivolous.

[2:07] I can only take what they're giving me now. ...I can't go based off of the past because the past is gone.

[2:22] The great Voltaire wrote. "The longer we Twell on our misfortunes, the greater is their power to harm us."

[3:25] consult a professional hypnotherapist. The regression. Meditation's tricky though, because you need to fully trust your intuition.

[5:09] Trust me from firsthand experience. I can give you this advice. And then I just wanted to give you one other quote that Jesus said, forget the past. Forgive yourself. (Or others). And begin again. So second Corinthians 5:17 says "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, (Or a faith of a higher power.) He is a new creation. The old has gone. The new is here."

[5:54] If you retrieved these mystery memories. Would it change anything in your present?

Mentioned in this episode:

YouTube: Raven Scott Girl Talk

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