"Don’t give two shits about what anybody else thinks dance to the beat of your own drum. " - Marcus Hunter Neil

Learn how to rid yourself of the toxic narcissist in your life and step up into your own queen power.

Today I share a conversation with Marcus Hunter Neil pioneer drag queen Lady Portia

Instagram: @ladypandme

Marcus is a MindValleys Irish Ambassador, Coach, TedTalker, Podcaster, Pioneer Drag Queen, Ambassador for the NSPCC

Here are some key moments:

Being with a narcissist is like Grey Gardens pretending to be glitterati while you’re living in a dilapidated house.“ No one sets out to actively be a narcissist and the victim of a narcissist. It just happens.“ It's the narcissists personality.Be your own wing man, defend yourself and take no mistreatmentRelationship should be a want not a needNo matter how much self work you do if you and the other person are not a fit you are not a fitKnow your values know your worth. Because if you don’t have standards then you will shape shift for whomever you’re with.Do not put anybody even royalty on a pedestal because we are all human beings at the end of the dayHere’s a test exercise can you list five things that you love about your narcissistic partner? if not then you are stuck in a scenario in the wrong environment and you’re making excuses each day as to why you will not break up with them. Love yourself radically. Be secure enough in your own skin no matter what happens when you come out on the other side it will all be fine. 

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