Do ever wonder, can the Narcissist change? It’s the hot debate, where us victims immediately shut it down with "NEVER!"

However our guest is not out there flashing his conscious narcissism, he has buried and emerged like the phoenix from the ashes a brand man. 

Today with our guest Martin O’Toole, we discuss what happiness is and is not, and his transformational journey from sociopathy narcissist Ad man in UK to humble, mental health advocate and yogi in Bali.

Having been talked out of a suicide attempt by his Beagle, this rock-bottom moment launched a phenomenal journey of self-healing and personal transformation.

Through his intense experiences with depression and the “pointless pursuance of success”, Martin uncovered the alchemy of everlasting happiness — what he calls “The Anatomy of Happy”. Understanding the depths of depression and contrasting heights of delight, compelled to share his story, he started the How To Die Happy podcast. He has just published a new psycho-spiritual self-help book by the same name.

We covered his former narcissism, transformation, spiritual awakening journey and a fair few tips on How to live / die happy. 

Here are some key moments:

Narcissism is Mental Health issue Don't stay and have hope that the narcissist will changeAny Narcissist can change, but it must come from their will not anyone else's and when they hit rock bottom. Boundaries is the most loving thing you can do for a narcissist.

Join The Empath Healing Community for FREE & Receive Sparkle Reminder inspiration every Saturday & strategies to heal from Narc Abuse and get your FREE Human Design chart Summary & FREE 20 minute Support Call.

Empath & Narcissist Healing Book &on Audible

Human Design Membership on demand Education videos Join HERE

SCHEDULE YOUR free 20-30 minute 1:1 coaching call

Better Help

Music YouTube Library: Wondering by Purrple Cat | Music promoted by Creative Commons CC BY-SA 3.0

Outro: Believe by Neffex

Mentioned in this episode:

Empath & Narcissist Spiritual Healing Book

Empath & Narcissist Healing Book

Human Design Membership

Now that you have your hd free chart. Now how do you start to dive deep and learn everything about it? And without paying $thousands in readings.
If you are like me, there’s only so much information you can absorb in one session.
With the Empath Healing Membership you gain :

- Personalized on demand videos curated for you and fellow members to understand your unique chart, directly emailed to you....

Do ever wonder, can the Narcissist change? It’s the hot debate, where us victims immediately shut it down with "NEVER!"

However our guest is not out there flashing his conscious narcissism, he has buried and emerged like the phoenix from the ashes a brand man. 

Today with our guest Martin O’Toole, we discuss what happiness is and is not, and his transformational journey from sociopathy narcissist Ad man in UK to humble, mental health advocate and yogi in Bali.

Having been talked out of a suicide attempt by his Beagle, this rock-bottom moment launched a phenomenal journey of self-healing and personal transformation.

Through his intense experiences with depression and the “pointless pursuance of success”, Martin uncovered the alchemy of everlasting happiness — what he calls “The Anatomy of Happy”. Understanding the depths of depression and contrasting heights of delight, compelled to share his story, he started the How To Die Happy podcast. He has just published a new psycho-spiritual self-help book by the same name.

We covered his former narcissism, transformation, spiritual awakening journey and a fair few tips on How to live / die happy. 

Here are some key moments:

Narcissism is Mental Health issue Don't stay and have hope that the narcissist will changeAny Narcissist can change, but it must come from their will not anyone else's and when they hit rock bottom. Boundaries is the most loving thing you can do for a narcissist.

Join The Empath Healing Community for FREE & Receive Sparkle Reminder inspiration every Saturday & strategies to heal from Narc Abuse and get your FREE Human Design chart Summary & FREE 20 minute Support Call.

Empath & Narcissist Healing Book &on Audible

Human Design Membership on demand Education videos Join HERE

SCHEDULE YOUR free 20-30 minute 1:1 coaching call

Better Help

Music YouTube Library: Wondering by Purrple Cat | Music promoted by Creative Commons CC BY-SA 3.0

Outro: Believe by Neffex

Mentioned in this episode:

Empath & Narcissist Spiritual Healing Book

Empath & Narcissist Healing Book

Human Design Membership

Now that you have your hd free chart. Now how do you start to dive deep and learn everything about it? And without paying $thousands in readings.
If you are like me, there’s only so much information you can absorb in one session.
With the Empath Healing Membership you gain :

- Personalized on demand videos curated for you and fellow members to understand your unique chart, directly emailed to you. Upon you emailing me your questions.
- Monthly healing group circle and coaching to cleanse your aura and harness Moon magic
- And access to the full library of Narc abuse healing information, human design library, and guided meditations.
For the cost of only $34 a month, join the empath healing membership now!

Empath Healing Community

Empath Healing Community