"He collects women and, has everyone in his life brainwashed and manipulated; friends, therapists, accountants, and family. There's not one person in his life that isn't manipulated to be there. "

The covert narcissist can show up as a spiritual influencer, or cult leader. And Jude's personal experience presents evidence of the dark side of a "light worker" who manipulated her, took business ideas, surpassed her success, and used psychic abilities to tap into her energy, and broke down her health.

Today I share a conversation with Jude Hotep

Instagram: @TheGoddessAstrologer 

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Jude Hotep is The Goddess Astrologer. Jude is a Female Shaman, Astrologer, and Soul Coach. She does individual Astrology Readings and Shamanic Astrological coaching in her program, Alchemical Goddess with women around the globe. In, Alchemical Goddess you jailbreak your soul from the programs of the 3D, money scarcity, and fear of being seen and heard, unlocking your Divine Feminine genius. You know you were meant for big things. Now is the time. Book a complimentary Goddess Call here: http://thegoddessastrologer.com

Here are some key moments:

Real Brainwashing takes place with covert narcissistConscious Narcissists v unconscious toxic personKarmic cycle of people in our livesStop blaming yourselfStep into your inner authority
"You have your own autonomy in relationships. It's unity through diversity to be your own self, to be your unique self, to have your own authority and intuition"She takes us through the descriptions of each zodiac through the houses

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Music YouTube Library: Believe by Neffex